Writer's Edit

A newsletter for novel writers looking for inspiration and advice on their creative journey.

Author: Claire Bradshaw

  • 3 Methods For Setting Freelance Writing Rates

    Let’s be real, freelancers: setting freelance writing rates can be one of the most difficult and stressful parts of the job. What if my rate’s considered ‘too high’, and I…

  • What Is Patreon And How Can Indie Authors Use It?

    If you’ve been on the internet at all over the past few years, you’ve probably heard of Patreon. Inspired, as the name suggests, by the old-world concept of artistic patronage,…

  • 6 Essential Guidelines For Researching Freelance Articles

    There are many different types of freelance writing jobs, but one of the most common is article writing. Whether this be blog posts, feature articles or news stories, there’s always…

  • 5 Top Tips for Getting Indie Book Reviews

    When it comes to promoting an indie book, you don’t have a whole marketing team behind you like a traditionally published author does. Authors on contracts with publishing houses generally…

  • 5 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Writing YA Fiction

    As with any other style or genre, writing YA fiction truly is an art form. There’s so much to balance: the younger characters’ perspectives, relationships and development; the language; the…

  • 5 Handy Organisational Tools For Freelance Writers

    So we’ve covered professional portfolio sites and invoicing tools – now it’s time to take a look at organisational tools for freelance writers! As we’ve mentioned before, being highly organised…

  • 5 Fresh Ideas For Promoting An Indie Book

    As an indie author, all book marketing and promotion is entirely your responsibility. The amount of people your book lands in front of comes down to the promotion strategies that…

  • Create Compelling Characters With These 3 Types of Character Arcs

    We all know that crafting believable characters with strong motivations is vital in fiction writing. But how do you ensure that your characters remain compelling throughout the course of your…

  • Find Your Ideal Freelance Writing Niche In 5 Simple Steps

    Broadly speaking, freelance writers fall into two categories: generalists and specialists. Generalists are open to writing content about any topic. One week, they might be writing about food and dining trends…

  • 5 Quick Tips for Writing Thrilling Fight Scenes

    Fight scenes are common across a range of genres, from action, spy and thriller novels to fantasy and sci-fi. They’re often a physical manifestation of the conflict that’s driving your story…


Writer’s Edit is a newsletter for novel writers looking for inspiration and advice on their creative journey.