Writer's Edit

A newsletter for novel writers looking for inspiration and advice on their creative journey.

Tag: research

  • Can A Novel Be A True Story?

    As writers, we always hear that familiar old adage: Write what you know. Most often, we take this to mean that we should write about our own lives. Many well-known…

  • 5 Fun & Unusual Ways To Do Research For Your Novel

    Researching your novel: all authors have to do it. Whether you’re brushing up on your science facts for a detailed multi-book space opera, or digging into the nitty-gritty of life…

  • 6 Essential Guidelines For Researching Freelance Articles

    There are many different types of freelance writing jobs, but one of the most common is article writing. Whether this be blog posts, feature articles or news stories, there’s always…

  • Top 7 Tips For Researching Your Novel

    Research is a given when writing non-fiction texts. Journalists and authors of non-fiction books are no strangers to researching a piece before they start writing – but what about fiction…

  • How To Be An Expert On Your Characters

    The prospect of publishing a novel is always exciting business for us writers. As a result, it’s easy to get ahead of ourselves in anticipation of completing the final product,…

  • How to Write an Amazing Short Story

    The third and final instalment of our Short Story Week. We delve into what makes a great short story, and how you can write one yourself…

  • How to Get Published Online

    The digital landscape offers a sea of publishing opportunities for emerging writers. But how do you get heard amidst the white noise? How do you get published online?

  • The Search Engine for Writers

    Writer’s Edit have discovered something different: a search engine specifically for writers…


Writer’s Edit is a newsletter for novel writers looking for inspiration and advice on their creative journey.