Writer's Edit

A newsletter for novel writers looking for inspiration and advice on their creative journey.

Tag: structure

  • How To Write Your Story With A 5-Act Structure

    Structure is the framework of a story. Understanding structure can help you, as a writer, develop those stories that aren’t quite hitting the mark yet. We are used to act-based…

  • What’s The Difference Between A Scene And A Chapter?

    The first piece of advice I received on this topic was from my Screenwriting 101 teacher. He taught that scenes are camera cuts where the setting or time changes, and…

  • Literary Devices: How To Master Structure

    Structure, or form, is the arrangement of story elements according to purpose, style and genre. Structure doesn’t just happen on its own. Rather,  it’s carefully considered by the author to…

  • How to Plan Your Book

    Are you a planner or a sprinter? Author Susie Mander discovers the importance of having a plan when it comes to writing a novel

  • How to Write a Book Review

    Learn what to include in a book review, and how to write one.


Writer’s Edit is a newsletter for novel writers looking for inspiration and advice on their creative journey.