Writer's Edit

A newsletter for novel writers looking for inspiration and advice on their creative journey.

Tag: writing advice

  • 7 Steps To Plan & Organise Your First Draft

    Perhaps Ernest Hemingway was being dramatic when he said ‘There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at the typewriter and bleed.’ But writing a novel is…

  • How To Write A Killer First Page For Your Novel

    There are millions of things going on these days that divert our attention from what matters. Scrambling to reply to that email… Hitting ‘play’ on the next episode of your…

  • 23 Best Books For Learning To Write Fiction

    The best way to learn how to write fiction is to read a lot of fiction. I hear this advice over and over again, and I wholeheartedly agree. Sometimes, though,…

  • 5 Easy Steps To Avoid Purple Prose

    Anyone who’s studied literature, taken a writing course or joined a book club has no doubt encountered the expression ‘purple prose’. For those who haven’t, Google defines it as: “Prose…

  • 5 Benefits Of Writing Fan Fiction (And Why You Shouldn’t Dismiss It)

    Whichever corner of the internet you spend your time lurking in, you have no doubt encountered fandoms – and by extension, fan fiction. At the time of writing, fanwork mecca…

  • 5 Creative Ways to Get to Know Your Characters

    Every good book has a strong cast of captivating characters accompanying the reader throughout the story. Whether it’s high-action fantasy, gritty crime drama or heart-wrenching romance, characters who are realistic…

  • What is a Creative Writing Hook?

    All readers know the feeling of being captivated by a piece of writing straight away. When the first sentence pulls you in, it’s much more likely that you’ll continue reading.…

  • How To Start Writing A Story About Your Life

    Your life story is your opportunity to share your unique experiences, accomplishments, and lessons learned with the world. But getting started on writing your life story can be daunting. Where…

  • 5 Tips For Better Physical World-Building In Your Fantasy Novel

    World-building is one of the most important parts of fantasy writing – and one that many writers understandably find challenging. As well as things like culture, customs, language, religion and…

  • 7 Straightforward Tips For Turning An Idea Into A Story

    There are few things more magical to a writer than an idea. That initial spark of inspiration, that tiny kernel that nestles itself in your mind – slowly growing and…


Writer’s Edit is a newsletter for novel writers looking for inspiration and advice on their creative journey.