

Why and How You Should Explore Australian Place in Your Writing

We examine how you can explore Australian place in your creative writing...

Terry Pratchett

Terry Pratchett Tribute: 93 Inspirational, Moving & Amusing Quotes

A series of thought-provoking quotes and passages as part of a tribute to the extraordinarily talented writer of the Discworld novels.

Book Review: ‘In the Heart of the Sea…’ by Nathaniel Philbrick

Ebony Bell reviews the non-fiction novel making waves in 2015...

Five Awesome Writers’ Work Spaces

We'd do anything to work from these spaces, check them out for yourself...

How To Be An Expert On Your Characters

The prospect of publishing a novel is always exciting business for us writers. As a result, it’s easy to get ahead of ourselves in anticipation of completing the final product, and subsequently overlook one of the first and most critical

Stephen King: The Writer’s Voice

We delve into what's behind the voice of an iconic horror writer...

Literary Devices: Setting

On its most basic level, the setting of your story is simply the location at which your story takes place, like a set to a stage show. This includes the location, the immediate surroundings, the weather and the time. But

A Look at Independent Magazine Publishing

We look at how independent print publishing is on the rise, and succeeding during the height of the digital era...

Literary Device: Imagery

Writer Kyra Bandte delves into how to write effective imagery in fiction, and where to find inspiration...

Why Writers Procrastinate

Ever sat down for an afternoon of writing, only to find yourself doing something else? We take a look at why writers procrastinate...