Writer's Edit

A newsletter for novel writers looking for inspiration and advice on their creative journey.

Author: Emma Johnson

  • The Ultimate Guide to YA Fiction

    Table Of Contents Over the past decade, the Young Adult (YA) fiction market has grown so much, it’s a wonder authors are still writing adult books at all. In fact,…

  • 7 Tips On How To Write Realistic Settings

    There’s no doubt that setting is a fundamental aspect of all kinds of writing. A solid setting can improve the quality of a story immensely, while a poorly developed setting can instantly…

  • 6 Quick Tips For Writing Gripping Scenes

    Table Of Contents Scenes drive your story forward; without them, there would be no novel. Your scenes need to keep your reader on the edge of their seat with your plot and characters because…

  • 9 Simple Activities To Inspire Your Writing

    As a writer, it’s easy to feel like you’ve completely exhausted all your ideas when you need to be creative all the time. The good news is, you can never run…

  • How To Plan Your Novel Using The Three-Act Structure

    Writing a novel is hard, especially if you’ve never done it before. You’ve spent hours researching, building your world and becoming an expert on your characters. Now you’re ready for…


Writer’s Edit is a newsletter for novel writers looking for inspiration and advice on their creative journey.