Writer's Edit

A newsletter for novel writers looking for inspiration and advice on their creative journey.

Tag: literary devices

  • What is a Creative Writing Hook?

    All readers know the feeling of being captivated by a piece of writing straight away. When the first sentence pulls you in, it’s much more likely that you’ll continue reading.…

  • 10 Most Popular Literary Theme Examples

    Theme in literature is a topic we’ve delved into before. Every story has themes – whether they’re consciously explored or simmering under the surface – and the exploration of different…

  • How To Plan Your Novel Using The Three-Act Structure

    Writing a novel is hard, especially if you’ve never done it before. You’ve spent hours researching, building your world and becoming an expert on your characters. Now you’re ready for…

  • Literary Devices: How To Master Structure

    Structure, or form, is the arrangement of story elements according to purpose, style and genre. Structure doesn’t just happen on its own. Rather,  it’s carefully considered by the author to…

  • Literary Devices: How to Master Stream of Consciousness

    What is stream of consciousness, and how can we master it? Daniel Murphy investigates…

  • Literary Devices: Mood

    Five elements to consider when mastering ‘mood’ in your writing…

  • Literary Devices: Prologue

    Are prologues an outdated literary device? Or are they still relevant in today’s fiction? We investigate.

  • What is Point of View in Fiction, and How Do We Use It?

    Kyla Bagnall unlocks the intricacies behind the narrator’s point of view…

  • Literary Devices: Setting

    On its most basic level, the setting of your story is simply the location at which your story takes place, like a set to a stage show. This includes the…

  • Literary Devices – Dialogue

    We delve into what makes authentic dialogue in fiction… Read on for our tips and tricks…


Writer’s Edit is a newsletter for novel writers looking for inspiration and advice on their creative journey.